When I first started this project, first took that leap that I wrote about here, I didn't tell anybody.
Well, that is not technically true. I told my husband, but I tell him everything.
I didn't tell anyone else. And I didn't plan to.
But then I did.
And then I told a couple other people. I didn't originally plan on telling people about this book, because of one simple reason:
What if I failed?
What if I told people, and then lost enthusiasm, and then it all collapsed and this book became lost to the memories of all of those tentative "maybes" and "one days"?
But that's the thing.
That's why I told people.
Because if I told them, they would know. Then they may ask about it, about progress, and I would have to be honest.
I told people so I would have to be accountable. To them, but also to myself.
So I told people. I made myself super vulnerable, and I am doing that again here, but I know it is nothing compared to what will be going on when I actually publish this book.
And because I told people, I can say "when" and not "if".
Telling people makes it all more real. That means that by telling you, out there, if anyone is indeed out there, it becomes really real.
What do you think? Am I acting prematurely by telling people about this book? Is it maybe a bit of bad luck, even? I sure hope not! Comment below, or contact me here. And don't forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter!