At the beginning of every season, I get super excited and focused on seasonal stuff. Every. Single. Season. Every. Single. Year.
You probably started to figure that out a bit with my reference to seasonal spring reads here.
A part of this always results in me getting more motivated than usual, which typically means I get a fair amount of writing done. So, here are my sure-fire ways to get into the spring spirit, which is also hopefully going to translate into more words typed in that manuscript of mine!
1. Clean up your yard (or garden or whatever)
2. Declutter and clean out something (I already did my closet)
3. Two words: farmers' market. How can you not get inspired by those colours and smells and everything?
4. Jump in puddles. Bonus points for kicking water while wearing colourful rain boots.
5. BBQ! I know some people who BBQ all winter, but we don't. That first BBQ is just so awesome. I'm lucky enough to be the daughter of a farmer, and there is nothing like beef from my dad's farm on the BBQ.
6. Bike ride! I have a purple "townie", complete with a giant basket and a little bell. I love it.
7. Go hiking. There is a gorgeous walk a matter of mere blocks from my house. When I take the dogs there and the sun is shining and the ice over the creek has melted, I know spring is really here.
8. Plan summer camping trips, or go on a spring one. Our first camping event is in May this year. It may snow, but it still counts.
9. Bring out the deck/patio furniture.
10. Sit or swing in a hammock if you are fortunate enough to have one. And understand how jealous I am of you.
11. Fly a kite. I live in an incredibly windy place, so that doesn't really get to happen here. Fly one for me, okay?
12. Dye Easter eggs. And then...
13, Organize an Easter egg hunt.
14. Plan a garden and plant some flowers.
15. Have a picnic. Even if it is just with takeout or something. Add a blanket and eat it outside and it is suddenly festive.
16. Wander through the garden centre at your local hardware store. I always leave there with at least one decorative, colourful planting pot. Oops.
17. Build a bird feeder.
18. Plant things that bees love! (The specific "things" will obviously depend on where you live.)
19. Try something new, whether that is something kind of daunting, travel, or even a new recipe. I love trying a new salad or BBQ recipe.
20. Do something artistic! I think spring is a great time for a paint night with some ladies and some wine.
21. Spring cleaning, preferably with some great music going. I am a particular fan of serious girl rock for this occasion.
22. Go for a road trip, even just for an afternoon one weekend.
23. Play with some animals.
24. Mow the lawn. I dare you to not feel like spring with the smell of fresh-cut grass in the air.
25. Read a book outside. I recommend one of those seasonal reads I mentioned earlier.
What makes your spring list? What are some things that get you motivated and drives you?
Comment below, or contact me here. And don't forget to subscribe to get my monthly newsletter!