I promise.
I wish I could give some profound reason why I've disappeared lately, but the truth is, I've just been busy.
Honestly. That's it.
The lamest excuse ever, because everyone's busy. Hell, one of the characters in my book even comments on it!
School's started again, and I've been running around trying to get that back into a routine. All the beginning-of-year meetings and committees and forms and plans and marking and so forth has really left hardly any time for much else.
However, I've made incredible progress in the final steps for "The Girl with the Empty Suitcase".
So, every second of time that I haven't been working, I've poured into finishing touches on the book. That hasn't left a lot of time for reading, or blogging, or, well, anything else.
The piles of laundry will get done soon, I swear.
Anyway, excuses, excuses.
I'm stopping in today to talk about updates on my book. THE book.
Which is almost done. Seriously.
The cover is done and revealed! Want to see it again? Yeah you do!
The back cover is ALMOST done. (Like, *that* close. I know you can't see me holding up my hands to show you how close, but trust me; it's close.)
I spent this morning NOT marking, as I should have been (sorry, kiddos), but writing to, oh, two dozen or so book bloggers in an effort to get them to read and review my book.
I've done several rounds of edits. I have hopefully only one more to go!
The book has been back and forth to an editor (who is amazing and about whom you can expect a blog post soon).
It has gone out to betas and I've received feedback from all but a few.
I've booked a launch and have begun planning that, as well as some local events where I can promote and sell physical copies. I'm planning on holding a Facebook online launch, too, so if you're interested, stay tuned for that!
I've started a press kit, all about the book. That means my blurb is also done!
I've been talking with a few people on etsy.ca to get some ideas for a bit of a giveaway for the official release and launch.
I've planned my official release date. It's November 1, 2017. Mark it on your calendars in red or pink or indigo or neon or whatever to help you remember. Because hopefully you want to remember!
I've been working on my front and back matter for the physical book. If you don't know what that means, that includes things like the "about the author" section, and "acknowledgements" and "dedication" pages. It is amazing how long and intricate some of those things are!
I've ordered some "swag" for the events and release. (Seeing my name on a business card is simultaneously cool and weird.)
So, that's what I've been up to, when procrastinating from schoolwork.
Again, my most sincere apologies for not updating my blog more often. My weekly reviews, I know, have disappeared this month, and I'm rather disappointed about that. I'm really hoping I can set up a few to get going again come October. Maybe, MAYBE even later this week. Maybe. Perhaps. Hopefully.
Thank you so much for your patience with me.