Okay, I understand the cheesiness of the title. And perhaps apologies are in order for it, but I'm going to let it go for now, because quite frankly, I love cheesiness.
I also love fall.
It's so hard saying goodbye to summer, so hard to get back into the routine and the work of fall.
It helps that I love the season.
Since starting this blog, I've posted a bucket list at the beginning of each season. You can find the spring bucket list here, and the summer bucket list here.
But I have't gotten to fall's yet.
I want to rectify that now.
So here, without further adieu, this season's bucket list. (I'm purposefully omitting back-to-school items from this list, because that could be a whole separate list for me. Maybe next year's list will have some of those items.)
1. Make apple cider.
2. Visit a corn maze.
3. Read outside.
4. Go hiking,
5. Go to an antique or vintage store.
6. Watch a scary movie.
7. Drink a pumpkin spice latte or pumpkin beer.
8. Visit a fall festival/fair.
9. Decorate Halloween pumpkins.
10. Be thankful. (I really love Thanksgiving!)
11. Eat turkey (with all the trimmings!)
12. Create your Halloween costume.
13. Have a fall photoshoot. (People like to use this for their Christmas cards. My cards are done already, but I still want to have a fall photoshoot. Except mine will feature my dogs.)
14. Rearrange your closet and accessories (Hello leggings, booties, and scarves!)
15. Bake a pie.
16. Hello, hockey season! (Yes, I know a lot of people see fall as football season. And that it is. But it is also the beginning of hockey season.)
17. Have a board game night.
18. Read some of those books from your "tbr" list. (TBR = to be read.) Maybe some of the ones you didn't get to this summer, or something scary for Halloween!
19. Make chili.
20. Make a casserole.
21. Visit a haunted house.
22. Put together a large puzzle.
23. Prep your house and yard for the colder seasons. For us, this means moving a few things into storage (i.e. our garage), and pulling out fluffy blankets. And maybe a bit of decorating.
24. Eat roasted pumpkin seeds.
25. Take a walk through the leaves.
Are you enjoying fall so far? What's your favourite thing to do this season? Comment below!