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Looking for a Few Good Volunteers...

Writer's picture: Krysta MacDonaldKrysta MacDonald

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Well this is exciting.

As of right now the end is in sight for completion of my second novel!

I'm, like, crazy excited for it.

It isn't completely done yet, but it is definitely close to being done.

And what that means is I need your help.

I'm looking for at least three people to volunteer to read my manuscript and offer feedback.

Here's the thing: this will (theoretically) be happening early in the new year. That's why I'm asking now, so if you are at all willing, you can let me know. I understand how busy that time of year is.

If you're interested, this is the basic idea:

You get to read the book first, before it's a book.

You offer critical feedback as you go. This can be edits, typos, sure, but more than that, what is and isn't working in the story. I'm not looking for compliments (ahem - alone) here... I want your honest feedback. Point out the weaknesses, the parts where you stopped caring, where the writing or the characters fell apart, whatever.

You complete a series of questions I send you, that help summarize your reading experience (favourite/least favourite aspects, things like that).

You complete all this within a couple weeks. (It's a short book - around 55,000 words. If you've read The Girl with the Empty Suitcase [and you should], it's about the same length.)

Please post a review of the book on Goodreads and Amazon, if you are so inclined, once it is released.

Please don't sign up to do this if you don't like women's literary fiction. If you only like plot-driven novels or, say, YA or fantasy, you simply are not going to like this book.

So what do you think? Are you interested in helping me out with this? If so, please let me know as soon as possible, so as soon as I am done yet another go-through, I can get you the manuscript.

Thank you so, so much to everyone in advance for thinking about it, and especially thanks to those who volunteer!

(Please volunteer!)

Contact me below, via my contact page, or through any of my social media sites.

And don't forget about my Black Friday giveaway, still on now! Contest closes November 30, and I will be drawing and announcing the winner December 1. Good luck!

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